Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flying to Relief

I keep having a reoccurring dream where I am stuck in a pressure situation. One time, people were coming to break into my house and another time my brother and I were being beaten up in a hallway. Well in the dream with the burglars, I was looking out my window and saw vans of burglars pulling up to my house. While in a state of panic, I ran out my back door and noticed that the burglars saw me. I took for the woods because I figured that a van couldn't drive through all the trees. So after running through the woods for a long time, I came across a huge valley. Without even thinking, I ran off the ground and was flying through the valley. As I flew, I felt like I was swimming through the air and would start taking a few strokes. For some reason, I keep having this dream but each time I am in danger by a different situation. When I wake up and I'm ready to fly to school, I'm quickly dissapointed by the fact that I have to walk everywhere.

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