Monday, November 29, 2010

Home From College

The good thing about my Thanksgiving break was that my older brother came home from college. I don't think I had seem him since August. Sure I had called him when I needed advice and help on college essays but it wasn't the same as talking to him in person. The day after he got back he threw the football with my younger brother and I and it just felt like we were little kids again. I wish that I didn't have homework over the break so that I could've spent all of my time with my brothers. The day that he was leaving I was frantically trying to ask him last minute questions I had on my homework and I am thankful that he was there to help. When my brother came home my parents seemed to be in a better mood too which I appreciated since I was in trouble basically the whole break. I was sad after he left because now things are back to the way they were.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marty from Madagascar

Marty is a zebra that is contained in the Central Park Zoo in New York in the movie Madagascar. I like that he is adventurous and doesn't want to stay in his secluded pen. I think it is interesting how he realizes that there is life outside of the zoo and that he believes "the grass is greener somewhere else". Even though his friend Alex the lion is supposed to be the king of the zoo, I like that Marty takes charge and decides what is best for him instead of listening to Alex. In the movie, Marty is faced with reality when Alex tries to eat him because he sees that outside of the zoo, zebras and lions can't be friends because one is a predator and one is prey. I like that Marty is the one who opens his eyes and tries to break through society and find what's right for him.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Agatha Christie

I chose Agatha Christie for my author study because of how much I enjoyed and was personally drawn into her book "And Then There Were None." She is a very talented mystery book writer and effectively creates unbearable suspense and cliffhangers in her novels.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jordan, I can't believe this happened to you. You have a smile on your face in every moment that I remember of you. You were always laughing and trying to make people happy. I remember watching you and Jonathan fool around in 7th grade math by pantsing each other. You could always make me smile. I was on the way to morning practice when I got a text from Dylan telling me about your accident. I was in shock and all I could say was "Please, no". I held everything in for the whole day until I got home that evening. I cried for so long Jordan. Why did it have to be you? I had just seen you two weeks ago at the SAT and now you're gone forever. I read the article about you over and over again to make myself realize that this really did happen to you. Jordan, you have touched the lives of so many people. I will never forget you. Rest in peace.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Self Improvement

During my freshman year, two of my friends and I tried to stay healthy by cutting out junk food for a month. It can seem ridiculous how 14 year old girls could worry about losing weight and all but when feeling judged by everyone, this is the plan we resorted to:

1. No candy or chocolate
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables
3. Do 40 crunches a day (if you miss one day try to double up on the next day if you have time)
4. Do not eat deep-fried food (french fries, chicken, okra, shrimp)
5. Drink only water and milk; no soda
6. With pizza, only eat one slice with either cheese, vegetables, or ham.

Although we had good intentions when starting this pact, it fell through about two weeks after we started. I think that once high school classes had kicked in full gear, we stopped caring about what we were eating as long as it was giving us energy. In the end, I think it was worth a shot at trying to be healthier.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Senior Quote

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." 
- Vivian Greene

This is one of my favorite quotes because it is saying that however bad times in life may seem, there is still always something positive to come out of the moments. It is also suggesting to not just standby on non-ideal days, but instead to make the most out of them.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Deadly Deer

      Deer are more likely to run across roads in the fall and winter because this is their mating season and they are searching for other deer. It is also because they migrate during this time.About half of all collisions occur in just three months: October, November, and December — hunting season. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a driver hits a deer an estimated 1.5 million times each year in the U.S. During the autumn, the average number of deer hit by cars jumps from 550 per month to over 1,700 per month. The top 10 worst states for deer collisions are Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Georgia, Minnesota, Texas, Indiana and South Carolina. Deer usually travel in herds (97% of the time) and seldomly alone.